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MegaFood Megaflora Withtumeric 90 Veggie Capsules

MegaFood Megaflora Withtumeric 90 Veggie Capsules

SKU: 51494100257
$66.99 Regular Price
$53.58Sale Price
  MF MegaFlora® for Over 50 90 Cap 50 Billion active cultures of beneficial probiotics per serving  Signature MegaFlora blend of 14 probiotics supports immune health and digestive function.* Additional amounts of Bifidobacterium lactis (HN019) and Lactobacillus plantarum (LP115) are included to promote regularity, healthy bowel function and proper digestion for reduced gas and bloating.* FoodState Turmeric Root helps maintain a healthy inflammatory response of the colon.*  FoodState Prebiotic Food Blend promotes the growth of good bacteria.* Gentle for everyday use.   Suggested Use: 1 capsule per day with a meal. Store in the refrigerator or freezer. Potency guaranteed until expiration when stored as recommended.   SHIP WITH ICE PACK   FoodState Nutrients™ are made with fresh and local foods. Crafted with our Slo-Food Process™, they deliver the most authentic nourishment available, which we believe the body recognizes as 100% whole food. Other Ingredients: Plant Cellulose, Silica, l-Leucine Suggested Use: 2 Capsules at any time of the day with food FoodState Nutrients™ are made with whole foods to provide essential vitamins and minerals that are easy-to-digest and gentle on the body, even when taken on an empty stomach.
Bio Corp
Glucose formula
bp balance
Cholesterol Formula
BP Reducer
Taheebo Tea Club  1lb
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